program de master organizat neîntrerupt din 2002


program de master organizat neîntrerupt din 2005


program de master organizat neîntrerupt din 2008

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Catedra UNESCO pentru Interculturalitate, Bună Guvernanță și Dezvoltare Durabilă este o structură academică de drept internațional creată în urma semnării în toamna anului 1999 a acordului dintre UNESCO Paris și Universitatea din București.


ani de experiență în organizarea de programe de master interdisciplinare cu profil internațional


Catedra UNESCO în cifre


programe de master interdiciplinare cu predare în limba engleză

profesori de la universități din Elveția, Germania, Franța, Olanda și România

studenți din România, Elveția, Franța, India, Iran, Irak și Pakistan în a.u. 2017-2018

studenți care au beneficiat de cursurile Catedrei UNESCO din 2002 până în prezent


Corpul profesoral implicat în procesul de învățământ al programelor de master organizate de Catedra UNESCO este reprezentat de cadre didactce și de profesioniști de talie internațională.

La această adresă găsiți lista cadrelor didactice și afilierile instituționale

Începând cu anul universitar 2014-2015, limba de predare-învățare pentru toate cursurile organizate de Catedra UNESCO este engleza.

Până în anul universitar 2013-2014, cursurile programelor de master Comunicare Interculturală și Management Intercultural s-au desfășurat în limbile franceză și/sau engleză.

Interculturalitatea și interdiciplinaritatea sunt la ele acasă în cadrul programelor de master organizate de Catedra UNESCO prin complexitatea curriculumurilor oferite în cadrul fiecărui program de master, prin diversitatea culturală și academică a cadrelor didactice implicate în procesul de învățământ și prin diversitatea background-ului academic, profesional, cultural, etnic etc al studenților înscriși la aceste programe de master.
Orarul cursurilor organizate de Catedra UNESCO este adaptat programului studenților angajați, oferind astfel posibilitatea prezenței în condiții optime la activitățile didactice.

Cursurile sunt organizate modular și au loc, de regulă:

  • Miercuri, joi și vineri de la 18.00 la 21.00
  • Sâmbăta de la 09.00 la 17.00.

Ce se spune despre noi ?




I had chosen the MBA Programme of the UNESCO Department (University of Bucharest) to complete my studies in the area of management with a double experience in the fields of sociology and business administration, as I consider that being a manager and working in today’s business environment is, above all, dealing with people and their expectations. I was from the beginning attracted by this master programme due to its collaboration with higher education institutions from Switzerland, France and Germany and because it is a programme taught in English (I had previously followed the courses of a master in France and I wanted to do one in English). My experience at the UNESCO Department was a very successful one throughout the two years spent in this programme, combining courses in sociology like Organizational behavior and Ethics of international relations with finance-related courses – like Finance and Accounting for Managers and Risk Management. My efforts were focused on teamwork (group projects) as well as individual assignments (reports, essays and papers to be presented in class), and the benefits from studying side by side with a small but diversified cohort of students were important: I had the possibility to do projects with people coming from the areas of sociology, engineering, and economy – people working in multinationals, SMEs or the education system. I would like to thank all the professors and the staff of this master programme for sharing their time and knowledge with us and thus contributing to our formation as future professionals and managers. And I encourage the future students to analyze carefully the offer of the UNESCO Department and to take profit of the courses taught here if they are accepted in the master programmes.

Ilie-Constantin FLOREA

Former MBA student, ING Tech Romania

What are the differences between these Master programs and other?

There are similarities with other European masters programs, but the programs offered by the UNESCO Chair at the University of Bucharest remain unique for the following reasons:

  • Firstly, the basic approach of its programs is “historic” – in order to understand or manage other cultures or intercultural relations, one must know and understand his or her own history. In addition, the Romanian example constitutes the starting point for discussions on the eastern and western Europe connections.
  • Secondly, the courses that are being taught give the students a very solid background knowledge, not only in 1 or 2 fields, but in many areas, exploring subjects related to sociology, gender studies, religion, history, anthropology, economy, etc. Because the professors are coming from different countries, this offers the student the opportunity get in touch with different cultures and to practice the intercultural communication.
  • Another important aspect is that these master programs take place in Romania, an Eastern country, which is in transition and evolving very fast, adapting this way to the European Union.

Although the UNESCO Chair in Intercultural and Interreligious Exchanges is relatively young in the field of higher education (2002), it managed to establish itself as one of the few departments from the University of Bucharest, and even Romania, which develops the teaching of interculturalism as a discipline.

Maria-Daniela POMOHACI

Former student in Intercultural Communication, Ph.D. Student at Center for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS), University of Goettingen (D)

Working for the MBA and the master programs in Intercultural Communication and Intercultural Management of the UNESCO Chair at University of Bucharest has been a unique experience. Rarely a teacher is confronted with such an amazing variety of talents. Learning is constructed a collective dialogue rather than a simple transmission of knowledge, and the richness and diversity of the opportunities offered to students is impressive.


Directeur, Institut Confucius, Université de Genève, Genève (CH)

My experiences from the lectures at the UNESCO Chair for the Study of Intercultural and Interreligious Exchanges at the Faculty of Philosophy are exceptionally positive! I was surprised not only about the language (English) skills of the students but even more how open and engaged the students entered discussions during and after the lectures. Anyhow I have to admit that the quality of the students in my Bucharest courses with regard to knowledge and interest is surprisingly high compared with students in Germany. My impression was that those students who attend the lectures at the UNESCO Chair represent a positive high quality selection driven by clear personal interests in intercultural, international affairs. For the future intensified inclusion of Romania into the European scientific, cultural and in particular business community these students represent a special human resources asset!

Franz-Lothar ALTMANN

Professor, Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft (SOG), Munchen (D)




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